The Most Overlooked Lifting Principle for Weight Loss

I have one fat burning, metabolism-friendly tip for you today that should be in your bag of tricks in your quest to gain a strong, defined and vibrant body.

If your goal is to burn fat, lose weight and maintain a strong defined body for life, then you need this information. Here, you'll read about the one thing you should NEVER, EVER, (and I MEAN NEVER) be without, so stay tuned.

The biggest debate for weight loss is the question: Do I use cardio or strength training for weight loss?

Everyone agrees that we need to create a calorie deficit for weight loss. We know that this can be done be simply eating less and moving more. But even experts are divided on which is the best strategy.

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Some experts argue that it is best to just cut calories and skip exercise because working out is just too hard.

And still other experts argue that you need to exercise because it increases your metabolic rate and helps you gain lean muscle tissue.

I am one of the experts who supports this latter strategy as this approach benefits not just weight loss but helps you to build and maintain strength, endurance, skeletal health, mental health, digestive health, immune function,... and much more.

Experts agree that cardiovascular training and strength training are important. Yet, when it comes to burning fat and losing weight, strength training outweighs the benefits of cardiovascular training.

What has not been fully addressed in this formula is the speed of strength training when it comes to weight loss.

The effect on lifting speed for weight loss

I am about to share with you the most overlooked principle when it comes to lifting weights and producing increased metabolic changes that speed fat loss and weight loss.

Slow speed lifting yields more metabolic adaptations than does high-speed lifting.

It doesn't mean that you just pick up some light weights and move them slowly. It is important that you work with a weight that produces muscular fatigue between 8 and 12 repetitions.

This form of training is associated with increased muscle glycogen, Adenosine triposphate, creatine phosphate, and Krebs cycle enzyme activity. The take-away: your muscles use more of the stored energy in your body.

How to implement this speed training strategy?

To implement this strategy, slow down on the eccentric phase (the elongation of the muscle), taking between 2 to 6 seconds time to bring the weight to the starting position. For example, let's use biceps curls. Start with straight arms next to your body. Curl to bring the weights just above 50 degrees in one second and then lower the weights back to the starting position, taking between 2 and 6 seconds.

Another strategy is to simply implement isometric pauses in the movement. Just hold the weight for a second midway during the eccentric phase, for example.

I always favor working at a high intensity level if you are not injured and if you can maintain proper form and load. That goes for both weight training and cardio.

This approach will help you to stay active, strong and injury-free for a very long time.

Dedicated to your success.

Stay focused.



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